The E-2 Visa Interview: What to Expect

What to Expect During an E-2 Visa Interview

The E-2 visa is reserved for foreign nationals who plan on investing a substantial amount of money into an American company and have strong incentives to return to their home country. Unless you’re already in the country under a different nonimmigrant visa, the application process will likely include an interview with consular authorities who will review your petition and planned investments. The immigration attorneys at Berd & Klauss, PLLC in New York City understand how intimidating this process can be, so they have some tips for successfully completing this step of the process.

The Purpose of the Interview

The primary purpose of the E-2 interview is to determine whether your planned investments meet the qualifications for approval. Instead of pre-established minimums, immigration law requires those investing in smaller companies to shoulder a greater percentage of the costs. To help the officer evaluate your investments, it’s generally a good idea to bring a business plan showing your planned contributions and how many American workers you plan to employ. The officer will also want you to demonstrate evidence of a mortgage, family ties, or other obligations that make it more likely you’ll return after your visa has expired.

Questions to Expect

In addition to asking about the ties to your home country, the interviewing officer will also ask you to describe your planned investments and how you expect to develop the company during your stay. The more detail you can provide, the better, so be prepared to answer questions about your role in the company and how much you’ve already invested. You’ll also be asked whether you have been to the United States before, the purpose of your visit, and what you plan to do when your visa expires.

Tips for Success

This interview will have a profound impact on the success of your E-2 visa application, so it’s important to be as honest as possible. If you’re uncertain of the answer to any question, admitting you don’t know is far better than guessing or making up an answer you believe sounds good. To ensure you have all of the information available, it’s always best to speak to a U.S. immigration attorney before applying.

Berd & Klauss, PLLC is an accomplished NYC legal team with extensive experience helping clients from around the world navigate the complexities of the immigration system. Their immigration attorneys have a detailed understanding of the law and will ensure the best possible outcome for your application. To make an appointment with lawyer Patrick Klauss, visit the website or call (212) 461-7152 today.